Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Herbs to Boost Your Faltering Memory

The use of herbs in this era of technology, gadgets and advanced science seem so archaic and passé yet countless of medical practitioners (including a number of MD’s) are re-discovering the wonder of herbs.

With the advent of organic and natural fad, many Americans are switching to this ‘unorthodox’ way of maintaining one’s health and wellbeing. No wonder health food shops have become common sights in most American city.

Herb therapy for enhancing the brain is not unheard of and in fact, most of these herbs (and spices) are common everyday things we used in the kitchen. Studies show that various spicy herbs and spices help in increasing the cognitive functions of the brain.

Number one on the list is turmeric, a golden yellow spice used in curry. The curcumin that is abundant in turmeric helps in memory enhancement and reduces mental stagnations common to people with Alzheimer’s disease.

Another potent herb is ginger which is the source of zingerrone, the natural chemical know to help defend the neurons in the brains. It helps in memory improvement. One more brain boosting spice on the list is cinnamon. By merely smelling the cinnamon, your cognitive function is improved. 

All of these wonderful herbs and spices are in your local supermarket and grocery shop usually on or near the aisle where basic cooking ingredients are found.

There are also herbs known to enhance and help in memory improvement that are not known to the general public. These are herbs that can be found in most health shops and they are usually in either tablet or capsule form.

One such herb is ginko biloba, it helps in the blood flow to your brain thus oxygenizing it. On the other hand, gotu kola, aids in increasing memory and guarding senility.  It also has a calming effect that is good for concentration and focus. Siberian ginseng is good as an anti-stress herb because it promotes a strong and balanced nervous system. It also said to boost you with an extra energy.

Aside from ingesting herbs, aromatherapy is another way to use herbs in improving your memory power. A few memory enhancing herbs can be heated to stimulate the brain. Some of these are includes basil, rosemary, clary sage, sandalwood, peppermint, bergamot, chamomile, grapefruit and other essential oils that helps relieve mental fatigue.

Since research is still on-going as to the total therapeutic results of most herbs and spices, users are cautioned to be prudent and to research well before taking any of these natural aids to memory enhancement since some of them may have contraindications.

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